Pentart Crackle Paste Primer - 100ml (Step 1 of 2)
4203This is STEP 1 of 2 required to make this effect.
You will also need the Crackle Paste to apply on top
This is a Universal single component that can be used for all cracking systems, including varnishes, pastes and gels. Apply an even layer and let it air dry. After it dries completely transparent, apply the second component.
Two-component, water-based system for shaping cracked surfaces.
First, coat the surface in a thin, even layer with the PENTART crack paste base, then apply the crack paste with a dry brush, sponge or spatula.
Also suitable for stenciling. During drying, the paste cracks, the network and depth of the cracks depends on the layer thickness of the applied paste. In a thin layer, it creates the effect of cracked paint, and when applied thickly, spatial cracks are created. The white crack paste can be colored with acrylic paint before being applied, and can be further painted or anti-coated after drying.